Welcome to the VU1 Portal

The home page directory for all things VU1

Quick Start Guide

Plug the VU1 HUB into your PC with the included USB type-c to type-a cable (make sure its the USB port, not VCB)

Windows should automatically recognise and install the serial com port driver, if it doesn’t, they can be downloaded and manually installed from here – https://ftdichip.com/drivers/vcp-drivers/

If you have additional VU1 Dials, plug them into the HUB and each other to form a daisy chain connection (VCB to VCB) with the included short type-c cables.

Download and install the Server App

After the install is finished, you will be able to access the VU1 admin interface using your web browser at http://localhost:5340/

The App is not currently Windows signed so you might need to ignore the warning to proceed.

For Linux users, no installer yet, but you can run the source code

VU1 documentation can be found here – https://docs.vudials.com/

Without native app support or your own custom integration, the best way to experience the VU1 is with the demo app.

Once downloaded and installed, run it to choose which hardware statistics to display on each dial.

You can also download our pack of starter VU1 images to quickly add a gauge background or customise them to make your own.

Looking to order?

Need help? Have an idea? Want to share your VU1 setup?


Calling it a demo app was a decision based on our long-term vision for the VU1. Rather than build a walled garden, forcing customers to use our proprietary application, we wanted the VU1 to be open to everyone. This would allow the VU1 to be used in scenarios far beyond our limited imagination and, more importantly, be utilised by ANY other apps or purpose. Continuing to develop the demo app would run contrary to that vision and we see it is as a stop-gap solution until 3rd party apps incorporate native support. In the near future, we expect that as VU1 adoption grows, the demo app will become redundant.

If you are sure that you have set different metrics to each of the Dials but they are still showing the same (as if they are linked), it could be an issue with the first time provisioning setup. To resolve this, please follow these steps …

– Disconnect ALL dials and the HUB
– Using task manager, find VUServer.exe and end the process
– Connect ONLY the HUB and keep ALL dials disconnected.
– In the main menu, find and run KaranovicResearch/VUDials Server
– Open the VU Server GUI (http://localhost:5340) and verify that only HUB is listed
– Connect the first dial and click search for new dials
– Verify VU server is showing two dials
– Connect the second dial and click search for new dials
– Verify VU server is showing three dials
– Connect the third dial and click search for new dials
– Verify VU server is showing all four dials
 The steps above should ‘reset’ the provisioning and the dials should now work independently of each other.

VU1 software is being incorrectly flagged as a trojan, this is a false positive. Our software is all open source, every line of code can be revised and compiled directly from Github.

We are investigating a resolution but currently this seems to be linked to ‘pyinstaller‘ that we use to package the app. This false positive is well documented but is currently without a workaround.

Assuming you don’t have another instance of the server software running, this could be caused by another application that is scanning COM ports and effectively blocking the VU1 server from being able to communicate with the HUB.  If you have another device installed on your system with some control software (even something like RBG lighting), the best way to determine if that is the cause of the problem is to disable it and try again.

Below is a list of software that is known to cause this issue

  • SignalRGB

If you identify any additional software that is causing this issue, please take the time to share it with us so that we can inform other customers.